Nate Wilson, maintenance services attendant for design, construction and space management, wins first place in Staff Day cornhole tournament.
To accompany the “Chillin’ and Grillin’” themed Staff Appreciation Day Wednesday, May 25, S&T held its first singles cornhole tournament. The top contender, Nathan (Nate) Wilson, earned a $150 gift card, a cornhole champion trophy, and a round of throwing bags with Chancellor Mo Dehghani for extra bragging rights.
The following were the top 10 participants in the tournament:
Nathan (Nate) Wilson, maintenance services attendant for design, construction and space management
Jesse Sullins, painter for design, construction and space management
Chris Ross, painter for design, construction and space management
Seth Hodge, media producer for marketing and communications
Jeff Wilkens, business services consultant for enrollment management
John Walnofer, media producer for marketing and communications
Alysha O’Neil, vice chancellor of finance and operations
John Cook, business technology analyst for information technology
Brittany Parnell, academic advisor for the S&T Advising Center
Cindi Nelson, chief human resources officer for human resources.