Address to change for Google Groups

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On May 9, 2022

Image of a phone screen with google, mail and phone icons

Photo by Torsten Dettlaff/Pexels

The email domain for Google Groups will change from to

In August, sending to will cause a delivery failure. Start using the new domain for your Google Group emails now to ensure the messages are received by your group members by sending to

To manage and update the recent email address suggestions (auto-complete) when typing in the To and CC fields of an email to make sure and use the new domain for your Google Groups, visit the Microsoft Support website.

If you have a rule set up in Outlook to deliver incoming group messages to a specific folder, you should replace the address with so those messages will be delivered to the correct folder.

You should also update Outlook contacts you have created for each Google Group.

Visit Microsoft Support online for guidelines on creating and editing inbox rules in Outlook and in Outlook on the Web.

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On May 9, 2022. Posted in Announcements