Debra Wielms is retiring

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On January 27, 2022

Debra Wielms, grants and contracts specialist in the office of sponsored programs, is retiring after serving Missouri S&T for 17 years. Her last day is Monday, Jan. 31. Per her request, there will be no reception, so please email her at or send a written greeting to Room 202 of Centennial Hall.

“Debra has been a valuable asset to the faculty and staff across campus by providing pre-award administrative functions on research grants,” says Dr. Kamal Khayat, interim vice chancellor for research and innovation. “Her devoted efforts, guidance and support of faculty success will be truly missed.”

“Debra takes great pride in her work and has been instrumental in the success of many grants and contracts,” says Gina Webb, assistant director of sponsored programs. “While not always seen in the forefront, she has been integral in the reporting and compliance functions in OSP as well. Debra takes with her a wealth of knowledge that can never be replaced. While all in OSP are excited to see Debra take the opportunity of retirement, we are sad to see her go. Debra can never be replaced and will truly be missed.”

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On January 27, 2022. Posted in Announcements