Having a hard time managing stress from studying for finals? Join Student Well-Being Staff for a series of drop-in stress management support sessions. These sessions will cover coping strategies for stressful times, self care when time is short, test anxiety tips and tricks, and a fun event. The sessions will all be held via Google Meet, with links, dates, and times below. Feel free to join at any time during the scheduled times!
Monday, December 6th, 12-1pm (meet.google.com/heo-hfti-kqu)
Wednesday, December 8th, 12-1pm (meet.google.com/heo-hfti-kqu)
Thursday, December 9th, 6-7pm (meet.google.com/hkt-zqjr-kce)
Please note that these sessions are not confidential as other students may be in attendance, but you will have the option to submit private/confidential questions or concerns to the Student Well-Being staff. For any questions, concerns, or topics you want covered in the session(s), please email Annie Birt, annie.birt@mst.edu, Wellness Coordinator in Student Well-Being.