Faculty, staff honored with CEC awards

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On December 7, 2021

CEC staff awardees

CEC Dean Richard Wlezien with staff honorees, from left: Dawn Davis, Roger Younger, Shelly Morgan, Kimber Crull and David Borrok, associate dean for research for the college.

The College of Engineering and Computing presented its fall 2021 awards during a ceremony at the Havener Center on Nov. 5. In addition, Dr. Richard Wlezien, CEC dean, recognized new faculty and staff members in the college’s departments. Dr. David Borrok, the CEC’s interim associate dean for research, recognized faculty researchers who have received patents in the past year.

CEC faculty awardees
CEC Dean Richard Wlezien with faculty honorees, from left: Kurt Kosbar, Christi Patton Luks, Xiangyang Dong, Chenglin Wu, Monday Okoronkwo, Nishant Kumar, Jeffrey Smith and David Borrok, associate dean for research for the college.

Dean’s Educator awards highlight teaching excellence. These are the winners:

  • Dr. Kurt Kosbar, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering
  • Dr. Christi Luks, associate chair and teaching professor of chemical and biochemical engineering
  • Dr. Nishant Kumar, associate teaching professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering
  • Dr. Jeffrey Smith, professor of materials science and engineering.

Dean’s Scholar awards recognize scholarly excellence. These are the winners:

  • Dr. Rui Bo, assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering
  • Dr. Xiangyang Dong, assistant professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering
  • Dr. Monday Okoronkwo, assistant professor of chemical and biochemical engineering
  • Dr. Chenglin Wu, assistant professor of civil, architectural and environmental engineering.
civil engineering awardees
Faculty honoree Chenglin Wu with staff honorees Joann Stiritz and Jody Seely

Staff awards recognize exceptional performance among departmental staff. These are the winners:

  • Student Service: Jody Seely, undergraduate student assistant in civil, architectural and environmental engineering
  • Rookie of the Year: Shelly Morgan, office support assistant in mechanical and aerospace engineering
  • Team Impact Award: Joann Stiritz, senior communications coordinator in civil, architectural and environmental engineering
  • Extra Mile Award: Kimber Crull, senior communications coordinator in mechanical and aerospace engineering
  • Peer-To-Peer Award: Dawn Davis, office support assistant in nuclear engineering and radiation science
  • Loyalty Award: Roger Younger, supervisor IT in electrical and computer engineering.

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On December 7, 2021. Posted in Accomplishments