Update on facial covering guidelines

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On October 14, 2021

Missouri S&T’s temporary indoor facial covering requirement will expire after Friday, Oct. 15. The Incident Command Team sent the following message to students, faculty and staff on Oct. 14.

To read the University of Missouri System announcement, please visit the UM System website.  

Dear S&T community,

Thank you for your continued efforts to keep our campus community safe and healthy during the pandemic. We are encouraged that COVID-19 cases this semester have remained low.

Our temporary indoor facial covering requirement will expire after Friday, Oct. 15. S&T’s requirements will be replaced with an expectation that everyone remains vigilant in protecting themselves and others against COVID-19. We encourage everyone, regardless of vaccination status, to continue to wear facial coverings in all indoor spaces when social distancing is not possible.

With this change, S&T’s guidance aligns with CDC guidance, which recommends indoor masking.

In accordance with CDC guidance for health care facilities, students and employees will be required to wear facial coverings in health care settings, such as Student Health Services, flu shot and COVID-19 vaccination clinics, athletic training treatment rooms and first responder situations.

Even though the number of cases on campus have remained low this semester, it is vital that we all continue to remain vigilant and do all we can to end this pandemic. If you have not received a COVID-19 vaccine, you can find a nearby vaccine site at coronavirus.mst.edu/vaccinations. The next vaccine clinic at S&T will be held 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 27, in the Meramec and Gasconade Rooms of the Havener Center. The Pfizer vaccine will be administered. Individuals eligible for a Pfizer booster may also receive the booster shot during this clinic.

Please remember to stay home when you are sick, get tested if you have COVID-19 symptoms, follow quarantine guidance and report positive cases to the university. Following these practices will continue to assist us in managing the situation, which allows in-person learning, work and other activities to continue.

Thank you,

Missouri S&T Incident Command Team

Dr. Dennis Goodman, chief health officer

Alysha O’Neil, vice chancellor of finance and operations

Dr. Colin Potts, provost and executive vice chancellor for academic affairs

Dr. Debra Robinson, vice chancellor of student affairs

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On October 14, 2021. Posted in Announcements, Coronavirus

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