Missouri S&T’s Incident Command Team sent the following message to students, faculty and staff on July 29:
Dear S&T Community,
We have seen a rise in COVID-19 cases in our community and state over the past several weeks. The Delta Variant of the coronavirus is highly transmissible, and vaccination rates in Phelps County and Missouri remain low. Given this situation, Missouri S&T is updating its policy regarding face coverings.
Effective Monday, Aug. 2, all faculty, staff, students and visitors will be required to wear a face covering in university classrooms and labs. They are also required for all in meeting spaces of university-owned or-operated buildings when social distancing is not possible. This policy applies to all, regardless of vaccination status. In addition, unvaccinated individuals will be required to wear a face covering in other indoor areas, such as common areas. Wearing face coverings in indoor public areas is recommended for those who are vaccinated. We continue to encourage the use of face coverings outdoors for all individuals, especially in group settings.
All four University of Missouri System universities are instituting similar requirements as part of our collective effort to slow the spread of COVID-19. Our new policy also aligns with the latest recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which recommends that fully vaccinated individuals wear a face covering in public indoor settings in areas of high transmission.
Face coverings will not be required:
This requirement will be in place until Sept. 15, when the policy will be reevaluated. Read the updated S&T Face Covering Policy as well as information on attaining documentation for a health or disability-related accommodation.
We are also instituting a voluntary system for faculty and staff to upload their vaccination status to a university database. We encourage all faculty and staff to get vaccinated and provide their information through our COVID Vaccine Uploader in myHR. Students are encouraged to report their vaccination record via S&T’s Student Health Portal, mst.studenthealthportal.com.
While wearing a face covering is an additional step to help slow the spread of the COVID-19 Delta Variant, getting vaccinated is the safest and quickest way to protect your own health and that of your family, friends and our community. If you have not yet done so, please attend a vaccination event or schedule your appointment today. Doing so will help ensure not only the safety of yourself and others, but also the ability of our university community to begin a near-normal fall semester with fewer safety restrictions. Vaccines are free and readily available.
In partnership with Phelps Health, S&T will hold vaccination clinics for all unvaccinated or partially vaccinated students, faculty and staff during Opening Week (Wednesday, Aug. 18) and during the first week of classes (Wednesday, Aug. 25). Please visit this website for more details on the clinics and other vaccination opportunities.
Missouri S&T Incident Command Team
Dennis Goodman, Chief Medical Officer
Alysha O’Neil, Vice Chancellor of Finance and Operations
Colin Potts, Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
Debra Robinson, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs