Dr. Kathleen Sheppard (center, holding plaque) receiving the 2019 Woman of the Year award at S&T, pictured along with previous winners of the award. Photo by Tom Wagner/Missouri S&T.
Dr. Kathleen Sheppard has been named Missouri S&T’s first Christensen Fellow of history and political science. The fellowship provides funding for faculty to travel to find and study original source materials to support their research, as well as to provide funding for research assistants, memberships in professional organizations, summer salaries and publishing costs.
Missouri S&T history alumnus Cordell Smith established the university’s first endowment earlier this year to fund the research efforts of S&T history and political science faculty. Smith’s gift will support the research efforts and expenses of up to two full-time tenured or tenure-track history and political science faculty members who will hold the title of Christensen Faculty Fellow. The appointment is renewable for up to three years.