Update from student body president

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On June 9, 2021

Amanda Aiken, president of Student Council, sent the following message to Missouri S&T students on June 9:

Hello Miners,

I hope that you are all doing well and enjoying your summer break whether it be spent with internships, co-ops, summer classes, a summer job, or just relaxing after a tough semester. 

This past year has been difficult with the switch to online classes and meetings and we hope to turn that around. While rolling out of bed to hop on a Zoom lecture in pjs was fun at first, it definitely took a toll on our mental health. Not being able to interact with others in a way that we were used to was a challenge. We hope to be able to experience life again in a pre-COVID fashion. Now the question on everyone’s mind is how do we re-enter campus in a safe and healthy manner. 

If we reach our goal of 85% of students who have reported their COVID-19 vaccinations, we will be able to resume all normal activities with no limitations. This would mean that classes, meetings, and campus events could take place safely. It also means that masks could go away and I could see all your happy faces around campus.

If you want to be vaccinated and are not sure how to proceed, vaccinations can be found at your local pharmacies or doctors offices. The CDC has a few tools available, ranging from websites to text message services and more to help you locate a vaccine wherever you may be this summer. Visit their site for more information: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/How-Do-I-Get-a-COVID-19-Vaccine.html

How can your vaccination be counted towards our goal? Please make sure you upload your COVID-19 vaccination cards onto your student health portal so that we can get an accurate number. These vaccinations need to be reported via mst.studenthealthportal.com, otherwise they won’t be counted.

The campus is in a point of flux as we progress toward different precautions and recommended practices. The best place to locate our current campus guidance is coronavirus.mst.edu. For current CDC guidance please visit https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html.

I hope to see you back on campus next semester healthy and happy. 

Amanda Aiken
Student Body President

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On June 9, 2021. Posted in Student Announcements, Student News