Khayat named to ACI board, committee

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On June 1, 2021
Kamal Khayat

Dr. Kamal Khayat, Vernon and Maralee Jones Professor of Civil Engineering, has received two high-level appointments from the American Concrete Institute (ACI). He will serve on ACI’s Board of Direction for a three-year term. The board oversees ACI’s property, activities and finances.

Khayat has also been reappointed to a three-year term on the ACI Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). The 12 TAC members are appointed by the board to manage ACI affairs related to technical committee activities, development of ACI standards, oversight of the technical content of convention programs, and archival and special ACI publications including peer-reviewed articles in symposium volumes.

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On June 1, 2021. Posted in Accomplishments

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