SMTS survey for a deviated fixed-route bus service in Rolla

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On May 10, 2021

SMTS, a public transit provider in Phelps and Dent Counties, in partnership with MRPC, is conducting a feasibility study for a deviated fixed-route bus service in the Rolla area with possible connections to St. James and Salem. This bus service would be modeled after the Bluff Area Transit Service (BATS) in Poplar Bluff, MO, and the Connect Service in St. Francois County, both of which are operated by SMTS. or

Both systems have fees ranging from $1 per boarding, $3 all-day passes, as well as pre-paid punch cards with discounted prices. While the Rolla service may not be identical to BATS or Connect in the number of stops or pricing, it will likely be very similar, if such a service is found to be feasible.

To specifically target college students and to help determine the feasibility of bus service in Rolla and the surrounding area, MRPC requests that students participate in this survey in order to gauge interest and to help identify how they might use the service.

Your feedback is a critical part of the route study and SMTS and MRPC thank you for participating in this survey.

Find survey link below:

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On May 10, 2021. Posted in Student Announcements, Student News