Miner Aviation, (MAV) a student-operated design team that designs, builds and flies competitive remote-controlled aircraft to challenge other teams from around the world, is raising funds to compete in the virtual 2021 AIAA DBF Competition. The team earned seventh our of 101 teams in the 2020 competition.
For the virtual 2021 AIAA DBF Competition, MAV is building an unmanned monoplane with twin motors that must fly with a towed sensor and complete missions, which include UAV delivery, transportation of sensors in shipping containers, and surveillance by deploying, operating, and recovering a towed sensor. With its given design parameters, this has proven to be a difficult task that has required nearly $20,000 to operate the team.
The team has raised 75% of its budget so far, but in order to continue work on the competition aircraft, the team needs additional build materials, improvement to tools and hardware, and fuel for transportation to flight testing locations. Support the team by becoming a donor and help them show the world how amazing S&T engineers can be. Every dollar helps the team’s cause and brings them closer to accomplishing future work for next year.