Chemistry team discovers new benefit of MXene coatings

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On April 6, 2021

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Working with researchers at Argonne National Laboratory, Missouri S&T chemists discovered superlubricity of MXene coatings. Superlubric materials are of special interest for advanced anti-wear and lubrication applications in extreme conditions, like those now experienced by the Perseverance rover on Mars.

Dr. Vadym Mochalin, associate professor of chemistry, led the research team. The team includes Shuohan Huang, Ph.D. student at S&T, and Argonne researchers, Dr. Anirudha Sumant and Dr. Kalyan Mutyala.

Materials Today Advances published their paper, titled “Achieving Superlubricity with 2-D Transition Metal Carbides (MXenes) and MXene/graphene Coatings” in its March 2021 issue.

The researchers used fundamental knowledge of the chemistry of MXenes discovered in Mochalin’s group at S&T to prevent MXene degradation and find conditions in which these materials demonstrate outstanding superlubric and anti-wear performance.

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On April 6, 2021. Posted in Accomplishments