Undergraduate focus groups on college affordability

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On March 15, 2021

In November 2020, the Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development (MDHEWD) created the College Affordability Survey to better understand students’ ability to afford college. The survey asked about school expenses, housing, food, health costs, transportation, and basic demographic information.

Results from the survey indicate that many students are interested in continuing a conversation about college affordability. As a result, the MDHEWD will be hosting virtual focus groups with students across the state. Information from the focus groups will help to inform college affordability policies and programs. Participation is voluntary and student privacy and confidentiality will be maintained.

If you are a degree-seeking undergraduate student who is interested in sharing your experience about college affordability, you can sign up to participate in a virtual focus group. To register, go to the following link: https://surveys.mo.gov/index.php/975472?newtest=Y

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On March 15, 2021. Posted in Student Announcements, Student News