As the midpoint of the semester approaches, students might feel stressed but they are not alone. The Student Success Center will be home to S&T counseling services’ “Let’s Talk” program next week, beginning Monday, March 15.
Students can stop by the center in 198 Toomey Hall from noon-1 p.m. Monday, March 15, through Friday, March 19, to meet with a counselor. Students who feel more comfortable meeting virtually may meet via Zoom.
Let’s Talk is a program that provides easy access to informal and confidential conversations with counselors. Whether students are struggling with test anxiety associated with midterms or have unique concerns, S&T counselors will listen. Meeting with a counselor can help students clarify issues, explore options and cope more effectively.
Students can also learn more about counseling services and schedule an appointment. As always, the Student Success Center offers free coffee, hot chocolate and tea.
For more information about Let’s Talk, please visit, call counseling services at 573-341-4211, or email