Dr. Kim LaScola Needy will present “Setting Priorities and Finding the Right Balance” at noon Monday, Feb. 8, via Zoom as part of the Bernard Sarchet Graduate Seminar Series. She is the dean of the College of Engineering and a professor of industrial engineering at the University of Arkansas.
To successfully manage one’s career, it is important to set priorities and find the right balance. LaScola Needy will discuss the importance of defining success for yourself, the power of strong support networks, and the necessity of practicing self-renewal. She will also delve into some classic mistakes in academic careers. Participants will have an opportunity to reflect upon these topics during the presentation and participate in a discussion at the end of the seminar.
The series is named after Dr. Bernie Sarchet, who joined Missouri S&T in the mid-1960s as the founding chair of the engineering management department. Before retiring in 1981, Sarchet secured approval for a Ph.D. program in engineering management at Missouri S&T. He also was a founding member and first national president of the American Society for Engineering Management. After retirement, he helped raise funds for the Engineering Management Building, helped develop the Order of the Golden Shillelagh and spearheaded the development of the video communications center at Missouri S&T.