Due to persistent below-freezing temperatures and slick road and sidewalk conditions, Missouri S&T will delay opening of campus until 10 a.m. CST today (Thursday, Feb. 11) and shift to remote operations following our updated campus winter weather policy.
Classes before 10 a.m. will be held remotely and all business operations will operate remotely except for those required for essential on-campus, in-person operations.
Dining services will remain open for regular hours including at the Havener Center and Thomas Jefferson Hall.
University officials will reassess weather conditions at 8 a.m. to determine whether to open campus at 10 a.m. or continue remote operations further. Students and employees will be notified of this decision by 9 a.m.
Faculty and staff are reminded to check the updated winter weather policy.
Find more information at econnection.mst.edu/2021/01/reminder-winter-weather-policy.