Image by Wilfried Pohnke from Pixabay
Now that COVID-19 vaccines are available, you may be wondering when you can receive the vaccine. The answer depends on your health and age, occupation, and the availability of doses.
If you would like S&T to notify you of vaccine availability, please complete this form for faculty and staff. You will be emailed with instructions once the vaccine is available to you. Filling out this survey does not guarantee when you get a vaccine, but it does provide a way for the health care staff to contact you when doses are available.
Currently Phelps Health is offering some vaccine clinics based on supply. Please watch the Phelps Health Facebook page for updates on when they will offer the vaccine. You can find other sites on Missouri’s vaccinator map.
The Missouri state government has developed a phased approach to determining who is eligible for a COVID-19 vaccination and when. Those most at risk, including health care personnel and long-term care facility residents and staff, were among the first to receive the vaccine during Phase 1A of the vaccine rollout.
On Jan. 18, the state of Missouri approved vaccinating people in Tier 1 and Tier 2 of Phase 1B.
Faculty and staff who are in categories considered high risk (individuals over age 65 or with certain medical conditions) are included in Phase 1B.
According to the state of Missouri’s COVID-19 vaccine website, “Faculty and staff at public, private, and/or nonprofit higher education institutions” will be eligible for the vaccine under Phase 2.
Phase 3 includes all remaining Missouri residents. Many students will fit in this category.
No specific timeline has yet been established for Phase 2 or Phase 3. It is important to know that these recommendations may change as the vaccine continues to be distributed.
For more information about Missouri’s phases for the vaccine rollout, visit