Shearer Prize awardees are Ph.D. students Jack Crewse, Bishnu Acharya and Gaurav Khairnar.
Three graduate students in physics are winners of this year’s Schearer Prize, the annual graduate research competition in physics at S&T.
Jack Crewse won first place for his research on high-harmonic generation in Dirac metals and the application of the semiconductor-Bloch formalism to topological systems.
Bishnu Acharya won second place for a complete experiment on multiphoton ionization of ultra-cold and polarized atoms.
Gaurav Khairnar won third place for his studies of the phase boundary near a magnetic percolation transition.
The competition is held in memory of Laird D. Schearer, the department’s first Curators’ Distinguished Professor of physics, and rewards graduate students for outstanding research performed during the course of their graduate study.