Martha Grisham to retire

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On January 13, 2021

Martha Grisham, human resources specialist, is retiring after almost 44 years of service. The campus community is invited to offer her well wishes by emailing or sending a card to her campus address, 113 Centennial Hall. Her last day will be Friday, Jan. 29.

Martha Grisham

Grisham started her S&T career in 1977 as a clerk typist in mathematics. She worked in that department for 25 years, advancing to the role of administrative assistant. She then worked as an administrative associate for the dean of the newly formed School of Management and Information Systems in 2002. In 2007, she transferred to the office of the vice provost of academic affairs. Since 2014, she has served in her current role in human resources for faculty hiring.  

“Martha’s institutional knowledge of academic processes at S&T has been invaluable and she will truly be missed,” says Rhonda Byers, director of human resources. “I hope Martha looks back at S&T with fond memories of her many accomplishments. We wish her the best.”

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On January 13, 2021. Posted in Announcements