Kaltura to Panopto changeover planned

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On January 21, 2021

On June 1, Kaltura will no longer be available for use, but don’t worry – your video content will be moved for you. Since Kaltura and Panopto have similar features, the IT team will consolidate all video streaming and lecture capabilities onto Panopto to streamline technologies, support and budgets.

Though we encourage faculty to switch as soon as possible to Panopto for video creation, Kaltura will remain available for new video creation until Feb. 1, at which time no more video content can be created or uploaded into Kaltura. Videos can continue to be played throughout the Spring 2021 semester.

The Office of eLearning team at UM System will be copying all Kaltura videos that have been played at least once within the last two years over to Panopto for the relevant campus.

If you have questions related to the Kaltura to Panopto changeover, please contact the  Help Desk, view these help documents on using Panopto or get training through the Office of eLearning

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On January 21, 2021. Posted in Announcements