Missouri S&T is committed to helping employees stay safe and healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic. One important tool for suppressing the spread of the coronavirus is the COVID-19 vaccine. In order to notify you of vaccine availability, we are asking faculty and staff to complete this form as soon as possible: https://mst.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9oj2S2AvlohLeXI.
Beginning Monday, Jan. 18, Phelps Health will hold a vaccination clinic at the Delbert Day Cancer Institute from 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. for the following groups:
The hospital requests that you do not come to the vaccination clinic if you are not included in these groups. S&T will notify employees of additional vaccine availability for affected groups. The next group to receive vaccinations will be Phase 1B Tier 2, which includes individuals considered at high risk such as those over 65 and at increased risk for severe illness.
Vaccine availability is controlled by county, state and federal health officials, who also decide when a particular group will be able to get vaccinated. To learn more about Missouri’s phased approach to vaccination, please visit covidvaccine.mo.gov.