Dr. John McManus, Curators’ Distinguished Professor of history, discusses the liberation of Dachau by American troops in a history.com article published Nov. 6. The article is titled “The Horrifying Discovery of Dachau Concentration Camp – And Its Liberation by U.S. Troops.” Among his 13 historical books on the American military, McManus’ research for “Hell Before Their Very Eyes: US Soldiers Liberate Concentration Camps in Germany, April 1945” is a source for his extensive knowledge of the Dachau liberation.
Dr. Daniel Oerther, professor of environmental engineering, was quoted in an article about face mask effectiveness titled “How well a mask works depends on how well it fits,” published Nov. 20 by Popular Science.
Dr. Alanna Krolikowski, assistant professor of history and political science, shared her expertise in an article about research led by the Center for Astrophysics. The article, titled “Growing Interest in Moon Resources Could Cause Tension,” has been published in Science Daily, Forbes, Eureka Alert, Independent, SciTech Daily and Phys.org