What is Theatre for Social Change?
Theatre for Social Change includes a wide range of performance practices ranging from professional political theatre staged in mainstream venues and guerrilla or invisible theatre happening on the streets to issue-based, site-specific performance and participatory non-professional processes. The two features that really define it are that it looks to live performance as a unique way of exploring and communicating ideas, and that it sets out with the specific intention of contributing to social change.
If you’re interested in learning more, enroll in Theatre 1150! See course information and the description below. No previous theatre experience is required.
Theatre 1150: Theatre for Social Change
TuTh 11 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. | Castleman Hall 138
Professor Taylor Gruenloh | gruenloht@mst.edu
A survey of theatrical productions in their historical contexts. We will also explore ways in which theatre engages perceptions, behaviors, and social conditions in audiences and practitioners.
For more information, please contact Taylor Gruenloh at gruenloht@mst.edu or the arts, languages, and philosophy department at alp@mst.edu.