Dr. Chenglin Wu investigates the mechanical properties of aerogels. 2019 photo by Terry Barner/Missouri S&T
Join the Center for Infrastructure Engineering Studies for a seminar by Dr. Chenglin “Bob” Wu at 2 p.m. Monday, Nov.16, via Zoom. Wu will present a talk titled “Two-Dimensional Materials and Composites.”
Wu is an assistant professor of civil, architectural and environmental engineering at S&T.
Two-dimensional (2D) materials are the thin films with one or a-few-atom-layer thickness. Due to their 2D nature, the electron mainly transports in the 2D space allows them to have superior electrical properties. In addition, being ultrathin, their mechanical strength over thickness ratio is much higher than steel (10 times) even when subjected to defects and out-of-plane loading. In this talk, Wu will illustrate the fundamental mechanical and electrical properties of 2D materials including graphene and 2D transition metal carbides (MXenes). In addition, he will also illustrate how 2D materials can help in manufacturing super-strong structured armors, ultrasensitive fiber-optic sensors, and compact biochemical sensors. In addition, we will show the relative low cost-to-effectiveness ratio of using 2D materials and discuss future opportunities.