Photo by Tom Wagner/Missouri S&T taken at the 2019 Haunted Mine Halloween event before current COVID-19 guidelines.
Show off your inner ghoul by wearing your Halloween costume tomorrow (Friday, Oct. 30) and enter to win prizes in contests hosted by Staff Council and the S&T Store.
There are two ways to enter Staff Council’s costume contest. You can either send a photo to by 9 a.m. or stop by 120 Fulton Hall from 8-9 a.m. and get your picture taken. All photos will be posted on Staff Council’s Facebook page. The photo with the most likes at 3:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 30, will win the contest.
The winner will receive a soft-sided cooler from Legends Bank full of goodies, such as summer sausage, nuts, a cutting board and chocolate.
Make sure you also enter the annual S&T Store Halloween Costume Contest. Drop by the store between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Oct. 30. Prizes will be awarded for first-, second- and third-places. Remember to wear your face covering.