Missouri S&T’s Beta-Chi chapter of Kappa Sigma Fraternity won a 2019-20 Kappa Sigma Founder’s Award of Chapter Excellence from their national organization.
The Founder’s Award of Chapter Excellence (FACE) is the benchmark award in the fraternity that recognizes chapter management, achievement and program development. Thirty Kappa Sigma chapters throughout the country received the FACE award in 2020.
During the 2019-20 year, Beta-Chi at Missouri S&T completed more than 9,300 hours of community service and raised more than $22,000 for charity. The chapter also raised more than $5,500 for the Military Heroes Campaign, Kappa Sigma’s philanthropy. Beta-Chi raised a total of $3,500 for their chapter scholarship fund.
Kappa Sigma Fraternity has more than 200,000 members, 17,000 of which are undergraduates, and more than 300 chapters in the United States and Canada. Kappa Sigma was founded at the University of Virginia in 1869 and their headquarters are in Charlottesville, Virginia.