Fall speaker series starts Wednesday

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On September 14, 2020

Missouri S&T’s global learning department will host an online series of talks throughout the fall semester to discuss life during the pandemic, entrepreneurship, and diversity and inclusion. Each talk begins at noon, lasts approximately 30 minutes and includes a question-and-answer session at the end. 

The first event, titled “Juggling Life During the Pandemic,” will be held at noon Wednesday, Sept. 16, on Zoom. Access the Zoom link online at global.mst.edu/speakers-series. Dr. Beth Kania-Gosche, chair and professor of teacher education and certification, will discuss the challenges of parenting, teaching, working, leading and preserving mental wellbeing during the ongoing pandemic. 

Other speaker events scheduled for the fall 2020 semester include the following:

“Missouri S&T Celebrates 150 Years,” will be held at noon Wednesday, Oct. 28, on Zoom. Dr. Larry Gragg, Curators’ Distinguished Teaching Professor emeritus of history and political science at Missouri S&T, will discuss how S&T, founded in 1870, became one of the nation’s top technological research universities. Gragg authored a new book about the university called Forged in Gold: Missouri S&T’s First 150 Years, available for pre-order at 150.mst.edu.

“Entrepreneurship – A Mindset, Not an Occupation,” will be held at noon Wednesday, Nov. 11, on Zoom. Dr. Sean Siebert, founder and CEO of Invent Yourself LLC, will share his methodology and approach to entrepreneurship. Siebert will provide a strategic line of questioning that will enable individuals, organizations and communities to use the process of innovation for growth, improvement and betterment.

“Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace,” will be held at noon Wednesday, Dec. 9, on Zoom. Anitra Rivera, director of student diversity initiatives at Missouri S&T, will discuss unintentional subliminal beliefs or attitudes that affect our understanding, actions and decisions in the workplace. 

More information, including Zoom links for all speaker events, is posted at global.mst.edu/speakers-series. All talks are free and open to the public.

The speakers series is hosted by Missouri S&T’s global learning department, in collaboration with S&T’s vice chancellor for research and graduate studies office; student diversity initiatives; the College of Arts, Sciences, and Business; Research on Tap; and the College of Engineering and Computing. 

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On September 14, 2020. Posted in Announcements