Students on the Missouri S&T campus Sept. 18, 2020. Kristin Bosworth/Missouri S&T
The fall 2020 enrollment at Missouri S&T, officially recorded at the end of the semester’s fourth week, is 7,645. This is a 5.6% decrease over last year’s fall enrollment of 8,096. However, applications for the 2021 school year are up more than 21.4% over this time last year, which could indicate an increase in enrollment for next school year.
This fall’s enrollment total includes 6,760 students enrolled on campus in Rolla. There are also 885 students enrolled in classes through distance education, which is higher than the 842 enrolled in 2019.
Enrollment of students in Ph.D. programs at Missouri S&T is 591. The freshman class enrollment is 1,111 students. Students in Missouri S&T’s 2020 freshman class come from 29 states.
Fall classes began on Aug. 24 and the fourth week of the semester officially ended on Sept. 21.