“Stepping into a Phantom Punch” is a two volume choose your own adventure Zoom play that will be presented by the arts, languages, and philosophy department’s theatre section this October. Actors and techs are needed for the show! See below for more information about how to get involved.
Show details:
Stepping into a Phantom Punch
A choose your own adventure Zoom play presented via Zoom at 7 p.m.
Volume 1: Oct. 16 & 17 | Volume 2: Oct. 23 & 24
This is a two volume story. Volume 1 will be performed October 16-17 at 7 p.m., and Volume 2 will be performed October 23-24 at 7 p.m.. Each scene will be 5-8 minutes in length and then the audience will choose who to follow from one scene to the next. There are parts with 7-10 scenes, there are some parts with only 1-2 scenes, and everything in between.
Synopsis: When Tim Sullivan’s little brother goes missing, a very dark side of video gaming is exposed as Tim tries to figure out the mystery behind the disappearance. Luce’s about to flunk out of school and is desperate to find a way to pass her classes. David wants everyone to embrace the chaos of living. And Alex is tired of being ignored. While everyone’s emotions reach a fever pitch during a pandemic, the dark parts of this world keep turning.
Content Warning: This play will contain adult situations, language, and references to predatory behavior towards minors inside video game culture.
Audition details:
Actors: Auditions will consist of Zoom appointments Sept. 14-18. No monologues required. You’ll be asked to share a story of your choice, preferably between 2-4 minutes. To make an audition appointment, email the director at gruenloht@mst.edu. Auditions are open to students, community, and alums. Note: some parts can be filmed in advance and not performed live and some parts just call for voice over work. Don’t let internet/technology accessibility worries stop you from taking part if you’d like to be involved.
Tech: This is a heavy Zoom play, with several meeting links live all at once, with multiple scenes happening at once. We will need Zoom Managers to aid in the success of this two-week performance. Some light film editing will be needed as well if you’re looking for practice on that front. We are looking to have a scene or two performed live from the black box, so some lighting design and video work will be needed as well. All this will be properly socially distanced.
Questions? Email Taylor Gruenloh at gruenloht@mst.edu.