‘Are you available for a quick task?’ — email is a scam

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On September 24, 2020

If you receive an email message that appears to be from someone you know with a message similar to “I will need you to get a task done. Let me know when you are available,” it is likely a phishing or spoofing attempt. These attempts try to trick recipients into believing that the “sender” wants some help and ultimately tries to get the recipient to provide them with gift cards or purchases from online stores. Do not respond to these emails.

If you suspect you’ve received such an email, please follow these steps to report it to IT:

  1. Create a new message.
  2. Click Insert.
  3. Click Outlook Item.
  4. Select the message that you suspect is a SPAM/Phishing email.
  5. Click OK.
  6. If you suspect the message is SPAM, address the email to: spam@mst.edu.  
  7. If you suspect the message is a part of a Phishing attack, address the email to: security@mst.edu.
  8. Add the subject line: “SPAM received” for SPAM and “Phishing received” for phishing.

More information from IT is available at https://it.mst.edu/services/email/spam-reporting/.

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On September 24, 2020. Posted in Announcements