Your parking permit steps — Accept, register, then get permit

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On August 4, 2020

Parking permit offers are currently being sent to Missouri S&T faculty and staff. You may receive the following emails described below. Individuals are required this year to register the vehicles for which they will use their permit before receiving their permit.

  • You will receive your parking permit offer email from S&T Parking with a subject line such as “Parking Permit Offer for Area XYZ: ACTION REQUIRED soon.” Accept the offer and you will receive two more email messages from S&T Parking.
  • One email message from S&T Parking will confirm that you accepted the offer. It will have a subject line such as “Acceptance received for Area XYZ.”
  • One email message will give you instructions for registering your vehicle(s) before you can get your permit. This email will have a subject line such as “Permit Process for area XYZ selected.” Click on the link to to answer vehicle registration questions and billing questions. Please note that it may take up to three business days after you accept your permit offer before access is available to the registration account. Therefore, we ask that you exercise patience and try again within the three-day window. You can choose to have the permit sent to you in campus mail or pick it up in the parking office located in the Campus Support Facility.
  • Once you have completed the registration and billing process online, you will receive an email confirming that you have completed this step, with a message such as “Thanks for ordering your OTC-20-21 permit.” You will have an order number on this email. If you chose to pick up your permit, bring the order number with you to the parking office. If you chose to have it mailed to you, you will receive it via the campus mail address you specified. 

Parking permits for the 2020-21 academic year will be hangtag permits. Hangtag permits must be placed on the rearview mirror of your vehicle facing out through the windshield. Head-in only parking is still required.

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On August 4, 2020. Posted in Announcements