From left: Alex Warhover, Elizabeth Caputa-Hatley and Kyle McMillen
Alex Warhover, Elizabeth Caputa-Hatley and Kyle McMillen are the winners of the 2020 Fuller Prize Competition for Undergraduate Research.
Alex Warhover earned first place for his research on anomalous diffusion with an absorbing wall. His advisor is Dr. Thomas Vojta, chair and Curators’ Distinguished Professor of physics.
Second prizes went to Elizabeth Caputa-Hatley and Kyle McMillen. Caputa-Hatley’s project focused on highly non-stoichiometric amorphous oxide semiconductors: the structure and electronic properties of defects in a-In2O3-x. Her advisor is Dr. Julia Medvedeva, professor of physics.
McMillen’s project focused on
characterization of supersonic gas-jet targets for laser wakefield
accelerators. His advisor is Dr. Daoru Han, assistant professor of mechanical and
aerospace engineering.
The Fuller Prize Competition for Undergraduate Research honors the memory of
Dr. Harold Q. Fuller, former chair of the physics department.