Fall classes engage with social and political issues

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On June 22, 2020

Dr. Jessica Cundiff, assistant professor of psychological science, leads students through a game she helped develop to teach students about gender bias in a way that is interactive, engaging and non-threatening. The game is called :WAGES: Race to the Top.” WAGES is an acronym for Workshop Activity for Gender Equity Simulation. Photo by Tom Wagner/Missouri S&T

Are you interested in learning more about topics such as racism, sexism and social relations? Do you have questions about politics, the use of language to unite or divide, or why “ordinary” people do “extraordinary” things?

For the fall 2020 semester, Missouri S&T offers upper-level courses with context to help you develop an understanding of current political and social issues. You can register for them now online through JoeSS:

Art/French 4320: Contemporary French and Francophone Cinema – Films explore topics including the Nazi Occupation of France, anti-Semitism, racism, immigration, colonialism, and disability.

Dr. Audra Merfeld-Langston, arts, languages, and philosophy.

English 2002: Critical Approaches to Literature – Addresses issues of race, language, and society through literature. Drs. Kristine Swenson, Sarah Hercula and Carleigh Davis, English and technical communication.

English 3304: Language in Society – Examines language variation and change in society from the perspective of the intersection of language and identity, race, gender, class and other social factors.

Dr. Sarah Hercula, English and technical communication.

English 3227: American Gothic – The development of horror literature and dark fiction in American writing as a reflection of class, ethnic and social issues. Dr. Kathryn Dolan, English and technical communication.

History 4245: Nazi Germany and the Holocaust – Engages with issues including anti-Semitism, social and legal exclusion of minorities, police actions and resistance to government. Dr. Shannon Fogg, history and political science.

Philosophy 4340: Social Ethics – Discusses ethical issues confronting society such as freedom of speech, capital punishment, affirmative action and government regulation. Paul Hamilton, arts, languages, and philosophy.

Political Science 3001: Politics of the Middle East – Explores politics in a region with deep religious, ethnic and social divisions. Dr. Tseggai Isaac, history and political science.

Psychology 4600: Social Psychology – Topics related to human social behavior include social thinking, attitudes and attitude change, conformity and persuasion. Dr. Daniel Shank, psychological science.

Psychology 4993: Psychology of Gender – Highlights issues of gender including sexism and its intersection with racism, classism and heterosexism from a psychology perspective. Dr. Jessica

Cundiff, psychological science.

Technical Communication 3570: Writing in the Sciences – Learn about the social impact and context of scientific research, information deserts and correcting the spread of misinformation about science. Dr. Carleigh Davis, English and technical communication.

For more information about the courses, please contact the faculty members shown above.

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On June 22, 2020. Posted in Student Academics, Student News