If you are seeking counseling services (individual sessions, walk-in or group sessions), they are being conducted by phone or video conference via Zoom. Please contact the office at 573-341-4211 to schedule an appointment or confirm your scheduled appointment.
Everyone is encouraged to continue safe practices including washing your hands regularly, avoiding touching your face, and practicing social distancing. It’s a good idea to avoid shaking hands right now. And, if you feel sick or believe you may have been exposed, call your health care provider to discuss next steps.
Remember to take it day by day and maintain good self-care. Regular exercise to manage stress is important and so is getting adequate rest and sleep and maintaining good nutrition. Look for opportunities for positive, virtual interactions with others.
For the most updated
information, please check the website, coronavirus.mst.edu often.
Take care of yourself and feel free to contact us counseling services with
questions or concerns you have.