Chancellor Mo Dehghani sent the following message to Missouri S&T faculty and staff on March 27.
Dear Colleagues,
Earlier today, President Mun Choi, my fellow chancellors and I sent an email to deans, directors and department chairs outlining financial restrictions and guidelines for the next 60 days. You may read the full message here.
Working together, we at Missouri S&T are addressing several extraordinary challenges that are the result of the COVID-19 public health crisis. At this time, the severity of economic challenges is not fully known, so we are taking careful actions to ensure that we manage our resources wisely so that we are well-positioned for success once this crisis passes. These restrictions and guidelines apply to all of our universities and are in effect for the next 60 days, or essentially until the end of May.
They include the following:
For details, please read the full message here. If you have questions, please speak with your supervisor.
All of us should be mindful of our guiding principle to protect the health, safety and well-being of the S&T community. We will continue to work together as a community, and toward that end, I encourage you to join me at a virtual town hall meeting at 10 a.m. Thursday, April 2, to reconnect as a community.
Thank you for all you are doing in this unprecedented situation.
Mo Dehghani