Sheppard co-edits archaeology book

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On February 4, 2020

Dr. Kate Sheppard, associate professor of history and political science, is co-editor of a new book titled Communities and Knowledge Production in Archaeology. Published by Manchester University Press, the book will be released in the U.S. this month following a January release in the United Kingdom.

Sheppard says it is the first book to look at the history of archaeology via a scientific network and how that network affects the practice of science. The collection of chapters represents how archaeological knowledge is generated based on where and by whom it is created. According to Sheppard, this volume is also the first of its kind in the field to use theories from the history, philosophy and social studies of science to tell the stories of practitioners, sites and institutions.

Each chapter is authored by a member of the Histories of Archaeology Research Network (HARN), including a chapter by Sheppard on archaeologist James Breasted’s early work. The book is for upper-level history of science and history of archaeology classes.

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On February 4, 2020. Posted in Accomplishments