COVID-19: Message from chancellor regarding coronavirus

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On February 28, 2020

Dr. Mo Dehghani, chancellor of Missouri S&T, sent the following message to students, staff and faculty at S&T on Feb. 28:

Update on coronavirus

As news about the coronavirus, or COVID-19, continues to emerge from across the globe, my leadership team wants to share with you some important information to stay safe and support others. First, let me make clear that there are no confirmed cases of the virus among the S&T population and no confirmed cases in Missouri.

Although Missouri continues to have no confirmed coronavirus cases, officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that clusters of infection are likely in the U.S.

S&T Student Health Services continues to monitor events related to the coronavirus outbreak and recommends following established best practices for avoiding viruses or the flu, which can be found on the CDC website. These practices include proper handwashing, avoiding touching your face with unwashed hands, staying at home when you are sick, and covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue and throwing the tissue in the trash.

At S&T, we are working closely with our partners in student health services, public health and the University of Missouri System to monitor the spread of the virus and are preparing to respond swiftly if cases arrive here. If you feel sick and think you may have been exposed to the coronavirus, please call your health care provider first and talk to them about next steps.

As you make travel plans, please keep travel restrictions in mind. Students and faculty or staff traveling with students and on university-related international travel should refer to the Missouri S&T Student International Travel Policy. University-sponsored travel to China and South Korea is prohibited at this time. The following links may be helpful:

If you are an international student or scholar, please ensure that your I-20 or DS-2019 end date will allow ample time for you to remain in the U.S. until travel restrictions have ceased. Please speak with the Office of International Affairs regarding a request for extension if necessary.

Although we encourage our entire community to be vigilant, it’s just as important that we avoid discriminating against others because of their country of origin or race. As noted by the CDC, individuals — including those of Asian descent — who have not recently traveled to China or been in contact with a person with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 are not at greater risk of acquiring and spreading COVID-19 than other Americans.

Missouri S&T’s Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA) is raising funds to purchase medical supplies for a hospital in the Chinese city of Wuhan in fighting coronavirus. If you would like to donate, I heartily encourage you to stop by the table in the Havener Center from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. today (Friday, Feb. 28).

Our hearts go out to all those affected by this virus, and I encourage you to join us in being careful and mindful of others during this time.


Mo Dehghani

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On February 28, 2020. Posted in Announcements, Coronavirus