Two professors of business and information technology are now serving as editors-in-chief of journals in their field.
Dr. Keng Siau, chair of business and information technology, is editor-in-chief of the quarterly, peer-reviewed Journal of Database Management. It publishes original research on all aspects of database management, systems analysis and design, and software engineering. Established in 1990, the journal is subscription-based and targeted to both academic researchers and practicing IT professionals.
Dr. Fiona Nah is editor-in-chief of the journal, AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, published by the Association for Information Systems. Established in 2009, the journal is for the international information systems community, emphasizing applications in business, managerial, organizational and cultural contexts.
Both journals have been rated “A” by the Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) List, a common journal quality list used by AACSB-accredited schools such as Missouri S&T.