Beware of phishing, spoofing emails

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On January 13, 2020

Recently, Missouri S&T staff have reported receiving emails from university administrators that appear to be a phishing or spoofing attempts. These attempts try to trick recipients into believing that the “sender” wants some help, in this case a favor or an errand. Do not respond to these emails.

If you suspect you’ve received such an email, please follow these steps to report it to IT:

  1. Create a new message.
  2. Click Insert.
  3. Click Outlook Item.
  4. Select the message that you suspect is a SPAM/Phishing email.
  5. Click OK.
  6. If you suspect the message is SPAM, address the email to:  
  7. If you suspect the message is a part of a Phishing attack, address the email to:
  8. Add the subject line: “SPAM received” for SPAM and “Phishing received” for phishing.

More information from IT is available at

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On January 13, 2020. Posted in Announcements