University Police and the brothers of Sigma Pi fraternity hosted their inaugural corn hole tournament on Sept. 28 as a fundraiser for Mid-America Transplant and Donate Life Missouri. Sigma Pi and University Police thank the following organizations and departments for a successful event:
Missouri S&T athletics
Kappa Delta
St. Pat’s Board
Kappa Sigma
Phelps County Fair Board
Career opportunities and employer relations
Legends Bank
E&J Customs
Sigma Pi chefs
Tyler Bartholow and Garret Schuster, third place
Oscar Kemp and Ken Tucker, second place
The winning teams are:
First place: Kailey Boyer and Dylan Reiter,
representing Sigma Pi
Second place: Oscar Kemp, representing S&T
University Police and Ken Tucker, representing MU Police Department
Third place: Tyler Bartholow and Garret
Schuster, representing Sigma Pi