Auditions for the Spring 2020 Wind Symphony will be held on Tuesday, November 19, starting at 4:30 p.m. Any student who plays a wind or percussion instrument is encouraged to audition for this ensemble (those with experience playing Oboe, English horn, E-flat Clarinet, and Alto Clarinet are strongly encouraged).
This spring our major work will be Johan de Meij’s “Symphony No. 1: The Lord of the Rings.” The symphony, written in 1987, is based on the J.R.R. Tolkien books and is an ambitious undertaking for our group. We are hoping to have many interested students audition, even those who have not participated in the past. Wind Symphony may be taken for credit (although it is not required) under course number MUSIC 1130. The ensemble rehearses M-W-F 12:00-12:50.
Besides “The Lord of the Rings” performance (April 5, 2020) the Wind Symphony will perform a concert on February 16 in collaboration with the 399th Army Band as well as present our 3rd Annual Outdoor Concert on April 29th.
If you are interested in auditioning please contact Dr. David Samson ( to receive your audition material. Sign ups for audition times are located on the wall in the back hallway of Castleman Hall near the Performing Arts Office, room 127.