Celebration of Nations on Sept. 28, 2019, in downtown Rolla, Missouri Tom Wagner/Missouri S&T
Did you attend the recent Celebration of Nations event?
Enter your pictures in the Celebration of Nations photo contest. Pictures must
be from the 10th annual Celebration of Nations, which was held on Sept. 28 in
Rolla. The deadline is midnight Sunday, Oct. 27.
The two categories are parade and exhibition. Prizes will be
awarded for first-, second- and third-place winners in both categories. Winning
photos will capture one of the following attributes: community pride, sharing
of culture and celebration of diversity.
Images must be at least 300 dpi or five megapixels. Attach
your entry to an email, type “photo contest” as the subject line and send it to
celebrate@mst.edu. For more information,
please contact Jodi Hasekamp at celebrate@mst.edu.