Chen named ‘person of the year’

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On October 1, 2019

Genda Chen with drone

Dr. Genda Chen, the Robert W. Abbett Distinguished Professor of Civil Engineering, recently received one of two 2019 Person of the Year Awards given by theinternational journal Structural Health Monitoring (SHM). The awards ceremony was held during the 12th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring at Stanford University.

Genda Chen award
From left: Dr. Genda Chen, Dr. Michael Todd, managing editor of Structural Health Monitoring, and Dr. Wieslaw Ostachowicz, member of the Polish Academy of Science

A member of the Missouri S&T faculty since 1996, Chen is director of the Center for Intelligent Infrastructure, the director of the INSPIRE University Transportation Center and associate director or the Mid-America Transportation Center.

Awardees were nominated by experts in the SHM field and selected by an awards committee of editors and associate editors of the SHM journal. These awards are given to individuals who work or have worked in government, industry or academic sectors from any region of the world and have made an outstanding contribution to the field of structural health monitoring.

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On October 1, 2019. Posted in Accomplishments