Three things you’ll see after Outlook maintenance

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On September 12, 2019

University of Missouri System will perform maintenance to the Exchange Server at midnight Sunday, Sept. 15. After the server reboots, Outlook or Exchange users can expect to see the following:

  1. A basic authorization prompt the first time you use Outlook after the maintenance. This will happen only once.
  2. An AutoDiscover certificate prompt. You will need to accept this one time.
  3. A pop-up that reads “The Administrator has made a change to your mailbox, please restart Outlook.” Please shut down and restart Outlook when you see this prompt.

For questions, please contact the IT Help Desk at 573-341-4357 (HELP), visit the IT Help Desk on the first floor of the Curtis Laws Wilson Library or submit an online ticket at

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On September 12, 2019. Posted in Announcements