Nominate yourself or someone else for Staff Council

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On June 19, 2019

Staff Council Group

Staff Council members gather for a group photo during Staff Appreciation Day on May 29. The event is one of the events that Staff Council hosts for employees. Photo Tom Wagner/Missouri S&T, ©2019 Missouri S&T:

Do you want to represent and promote the best interests of Missouri S&T staff? Elections for the 2019-20 year for vacant Staff Council positions are coming up. You may nominate yourself or another staff member. Nominations are due Friday, June 21.

To be eligible to serve on Staff Council, an employee must be a full-time staff member with at least one year of service before July 1, 2019. All staff nominated will be notified of the nomination to accept before being placed on a ballot. To nominate someone or learn about election procedures and a list of current council members, please visit the Staff Council website at

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On June 19, 2019. Posted in Announcements

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