Why does the Boogieman come out at Halloween?

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On October 18, 2018

The Boogieman has a long history in slang, literature, folklore and media and is often mentioned as the best-known frightening figure in British and North American culture. Dr. Simon J. Bronner will present his research during a talk 3-4 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 31, in Room 103 Engineering Management Building. The Sigma Tau Delta English Honor Society will host the talk.

Bronner is the Maxwell C. Weiner Distinguished Visiting Professor of Humanities. His presentation is titled “Why does the Boogieman come out at Halloween? On the Origin and Meaning of Frightening Figures in Folk and Popular Culture.”

The Boogieman is frequently connected to narrative and film around Halloween time, and scholars typically offer its meaning in the functions of social control over youth. In this visual, interactive and potentially scary presentation, Bronner presents research on its origin, diffusion and variation. He will propose a new interpretation for its persistence. Viewer discretion is advised.

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On October 18, 2018. Posted in Announcements