Award-winning paleontologist Joseph J. Kchodl, better known as “Paleo Joe,” will discuss “Digging for Dinosaurs in Utah” at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 24, on the Missouri S&T campus. The talk will be held in Planje Auditorium (Room 204) of McNutt Hall.
Kchodl will also present “Dinosaur Day with Paleo Joe” at 6 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 25, at the Rolla Public Library, located at 900 N. Pine St.
Kchodl’s visit to Missouri S&T is sponsored by S&T’s department of geosciences and geological and petroleum engineering. Also during his visit, he will hold a “Dinosaur Day with Paleo Joe” at Truman Elementary School and meet with Missouri S&T students.
For more information about Kchodl’s visit, contact the GGPE department at 341-4616 or email