HLC accreditation visit planned Oct. 8-9, forums scheduled

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On October 4, 2018

A team of peer reviewers representing the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) will be on campus Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 8 and 9, as part of the accreditation process for Missouri S&T, and several forums will be held on Monday, Oct. 8, to help the reviewers assess whether S&T meets HLC’s criteria for accreditation.

The forum topics, times and locations are as follows:

  • Mission (clear and articulated publicly; guides operations), Integrity (conduct is ethical and responsible)
    • 10-11 a.m., Havener Center, St. Pat’s A
  • Teaching and Learning Quality (provides high quality education), Teaching and Learning Evaluation and Improvement (demonstrates responsibility for educational quality, evaluates effectiveness for student learning, and promotes continuous improvement)
    • 11:10 a.m.- 12:10 p.m., Havener Center, St. Pat’s A
  • Resources, Planning, Effectiveness (resources, structures, and processes are sufficient, and the institution plans for the future)
    • 2:50-4 p.m., Havener Center, St. Pat’s A

HLC accreditation is necessary for Missouri S&T to be eligible for federal student aid, and accreditation of our undergraduate and graduate programs is critical to their academic success, recruitment and retention efforts, and national recognition.

For more information about Missouri S&T’s HLC accreditation process, visit accreditation.mst.edu.

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On October 4, 2018. Posted in Announcements