Call for Faculty Fellow

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On October 15, 2018

The office of the vice chancellor of research and dean of graduate studies is currently accepting applications for a faculty fellow.

The faculty fellow appointment will be 50 percent full-time equivalent (FTE), and the fellow will spend the remaining 50 percent in his or her continued departmental duties.

The fellow will gain experience working with administration in research and graduate studies.

To be eligible, candidates must be tenured S&T faculty with the rank of at least associate professor. The appointment will end July 31, 2019.

To apply, please visit and submit:

  1. A brief letter of application
  2. A current resume
  3. A brief statement, up to three pages, describing what you believe are issues that require improvement under the purview of the vice chancellor for research and dean of graduate studies


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On October 15, 2018. Posted in Announcements